
Module 2 - Data Standards and A+ Inquiry Framework


This module begins with an overview of knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors as standards required to be an effective data user for assessment, evaluation, or research purposes. The module continues with a demonstration of how key data utilization standards may be operationalized by synthesizing them with the A+ Inquiry framework for effective data use. Participants will be given access to an A+ Inquiry diagram with guiding questions relevant to each stage in the framework. The module includes 1 section (part 1). This module is NOT mastery-based; therefore, all participants are exposed to the same activities and content.

Learning Goals

Part 1 - Data Standards and A+ Inquiry Framework

  • Increase knowledge of standards required for effective data utilization
  • Increase knowledge of how data utilization standards may be synthesized using the A+ Inquiry framework

SLDS Data Use Standards

  • S.1.B Alignment: Aligns question(s), type of data needed, and measurement tools (e.g., ASSESSMENTS, surveys, etc.) with goals and objectives

Module 2 Part 1 - Data Standards and A+ Inquiry Framework
